

Page history last edited by Dara K. Cepeda 11 years, 5 months ago





Dara K. Cepeda E-Portfolio


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My e-portfolio has served as an interactive area  to create and collaborate with instructors and colleges as I pursed my Master in Educational Technology. As a participant of the MSTTPS Go! Program my e-portfolio compiled all projects and team assignments that can be used in the present and future technology integrated projects.


E-Portfolio's Purpose

In this e-portfolio you will find a collection of my work and assignments done throughout the Master of Education in Educational Technology (M.Ed.) program.  The assignments completed during this program have allowed me to use a variety of educational technology to grow with my abilities, skills and performance in creating training, lessons, and reflective projects.


E-Portfolio's Organization

The organization of the e-portfolio allows user-friendly website navigation through the pages to access all the work and projects of this program.   Each page describes the projects objectives, competencies, team collaboration, and the implemented technology tool required by the educational technology program.  All links to the main pages are provided in the menu bar at the top of each page.  The following is a list of the links found in the menu bar.




Navigating the E-Portfolio

 A web browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari will allow you to view the e-portfolio. Individual projects may require Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Reader, QuickTime, Windows Media Player, or Flash Player. Each page of the e-portfolio is accessible through links located at the top of each page. Featured projects, as well as their artifact reports are accessible through links on the “Matrix" page. Information and projects for each course completed during my time in the program can be accessed through links on the “Courses Taken” page.



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