EDTC 6329

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EDTC 6329 - Selected Topics in Educational Technology

Problem Based Learning


Name of Lesson
Grade Level
Subject Area(s)
PBL 1: How does Nature feel?
Middle School : 6th grade
Science and Visual Arts
Dara K. Cepeda
PBL 2: Trash to Treasure
Middle School: 6th grade
Science and Visual Arts
Dara K. Cepeda
PBL 3: I'm Coloring my Imagination
Middle School: 6th grade
Science and Visual Arts
Dara K. Cepeda
PBL 4: For some people there's no such thing as color!
Middle School: 6th grade Science and Visual Arts
Dara K. Cepeda
PBL 5: Listen! The Ocean is Crying! Middle School: 6th grade
Science and Visual Arts
Dara K. Cepeda


EDTC 6329 Wiki Page

PBL Template Page




ESSEA: Earth System Science Education Alliance


Topics such as ozone depletion, hurricanes and global climate change immerse teachers in problems on a global scale.   The implications for course methodology are to:

The complex task is provided by the very nature of the Earth system science content. By viewing Earth as a system, in which the land, water, air and living things are interdependent and co-evolving, students learn each of the areas in the context of the others, as well as applied to familiar settings and events.  Event teams are asked to create an Earth system diagram supported by a description for each of four events

sources : http://essea.strategies.org/sample.html


What is Problem-based learning?



Problem-based learning (PBL) is an exciting alternative
to traditional classroom learning.

With PBL, your teacher presents you with a problem, not lectures or assignments or exercises. Since you are not handed "content", your learning becomes active in the sense that you discover and work with content that you determine to be necessary to solve the problem.

In PBL, your teacher acts as facilitator and mentor,
rather than a source of "solutions."

Problem based learning will provide you with opportunities to

A Summary of Problem-Based Learning:
This is a simplified model--more detailed models are referenced below.

The steps can be repeated and recycled.
Steps two through five may be repeated and reviewed as new information becomes available and redefines the problem.
Step six may occur more than once--especially when teachers place emphasis on going beyond "the first draft."

1. Explore the issues:
Your teacher introduces an "ill-structured" problem to you.
Discuss the problem statement and list its significant parts.
You may feel that you don't know enough to solve the problem but that is the challenge!
You will have to gather information and learn new concepts, principles, or skills as you engage in the problem-solving process.

2. List "What do we know?"
What do you know to solve the problem?
This includes both what you actually know and what strengths and capabilities each team member has.
Consider or note everyone's input, no matter how strange it may appear: it could hold a possibility!

3. Develop, and write out, the problem statement in your own words:
A problem statement should come from your/the group's analysis of what you know, and what you will need to know to solve it. You will need:

Note: The problem statement is often revisited and edited as new information is discovered, or "old" information is discarded.

4. List out possible solutions
List them all, then order them from strongest to weakest
Choose the best one, or most likely to succeed

5. List actions to be taken with a timeline

6. List "What do we need to know?"
Research the knowledge and data that will support your solution
You will need to information to fill in missing gaps.

If your research supports your solution,
and if there is general agreement, go to (7). If not, go to (4)

7. Write up your solution with its supporting documentation, and submit it.
You may need to present your findings and/or recommendations to a group or your classmates.

This should include the problem statement, questions, data gathered, analysis of data, and support for solutions or recommendations based on the data analysis: in short, the process and outcome.

Presenting and defending your conclusions:
The goal is to present not only your conclusions,
but the foundation upon which they rest. Prepare to

Sharing your findings with teachers and students is an opportunity in demonstrating that you have learned. If you know your subject well, this will be evident. If a challenge arises that you cannot respond to, accept it as an opportunity to be explored. However, take pride in your attention to quality when you present. See also the Guide on presenting projects.

8. Review your performance
This debriefing exercise applies both to individuals and the group.
Take pride in what you have done well; learn from what you have not done well. Thomas Edison took pride in unsuccessful experiments as part of his journey to successful outcomes!

9. Celebrate your work!


* Sources

