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Page history last edited by Dara K. Cepeda 11 years, 8 months ago

Listen, the Ocean is Crying!

 Topic(s): Science and Visual Arts


Marine Ecosystem- Overfishing - Watercolor Wash: watercolor salt technique




Images/Video Resources


What is Marine Ecosystems?





Watch this video that explains about the Global Problem of Overfishing




In this Slideshare it explains more in detail about Overfishing


In the following video you will find beautiful images of our ocean life.  We have cooperate and find a solution to this global problem.


Click HERE to access a conservation and research program to SAVE the OCEAN!

Here's a Tutorial Video on how to paint by using Watercolor Salt Technique










Pay close attention and read the following FACTS...

The ocean is crying out for help!



  • One billion people rely on fish as an important source of protein. - WWF


  • An international group of ecologists and economists warned that the world will run out of seafood by 2048 - Washington Post


  • The looming collapse of fisheries threatens the most important source of food for 250 million people. - The Earth's Carrying Capacity - Bruce Sundquist


  • According to the UNFAO, about 70 per cent of our global fisheries are now being fished close to, already at, or beyond their capacity. - The Earth's Carrying Capacity - Bruce Sundquist


  • As many as 90 per cent of all the ocean's large fish have been fished out. - WWF


  • One per cent of the world's Industrial fishing fleets account for 50 per cent of the world's catches. - CNN


  • Government subsidies of over $15 billion a year play a major role in creating the worlds fishing fleets.- WWF


  • The global fishing fleets are 250 per cent larger than the oceans can sustainably support.- WWF


  • Only 0.6 percent of the worlds oceans are designated as protected.- WWF


  • A Greenpeace report states that 40 per cent of the worlds oceans should be placed in nature reserves. - MSNBC


  • In 2004, 13,000 new marine species were discovered, according to the Census of Marine Life. - Census of Marine Life


  • Japan has caught $6 billion worth of illegal Southern Bluefin tuna over the past 20 years. - Australian Broadcasting Corporation


  • Over the past 50 years World consumption of tuna has increased tenfold, from 0.4 million to over 4 million tonnes. - Environmental Justice Foundation


  • In 2000 tuna long liners set 1.2 billion hooks catching untold number of turtles, seabirds and sharks. - WWF


  • Fifteen species of sharks have seen their numbers drop by 50 per cent in the last 20 years. - National Geographic


  • Illegal fishing is worth up to $9 billion a year. - Illegal Fishing.info


And the list keeps on growing....


Marine Ecosystem is disappearing before our eyes and we haven't done anything about it!

The main problem of the Marine Ecosystem is OVERFISHING!

























Sources : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxacxShp3LY&feature=related


Sample Investigations/Teacher Resources




After reading the facts provided on the scenario, you will be collaborating with other classmates to find a possible solution to this Global Problem.


You will be working in teams of two.  Your team will be provided with the following resources.

  • ·         A laptop with internet access
  • ·         The marine ecosystem-overfishing customized search engine
  • ·         Your student account at Edu.glogster.com
  • ·         Watercolors
  • ·         Salt
  • ·         Paint brushes
  • ·         Water


Your task as a team is to do an extensive research about the Overfishing problem.  You and your team should be able to answer questions the following questions in your team project presentation.

  • ·         What is marine ecosystem?
  • ·         What is happening to the sea life?
  • ·         What are the predictions for the future?
  • ·         Are there any solutions to the problem?
  • ·         What can we do to help the marine ecosystem?



After you have found essential information and possible solutions to the problem, you will be putting all the information together in a Glogster.


You and your team will also create a watercolor painting by using two compounds of the ocean; water and salt.  This watercolor wash is called watercolor salt technique.






These watercolor paintings along with hard copies of the Glogsters will be on exhibition at the school library to promote awareness the overfishing problem.   




*Glogster is a multimedia digital poster that can also be printed out.  For tutorials on how to create a Glogster, please refer to the resources listed above. 









Here are samples of Glogsters for the students' presentations



Here are some samples of the Watercolor wash : Watercolor Salt Technique.  The students have to paint sea life by using these two elements of the ocean; water and salt.


Student Resources



In this Search Engine you will find all the information you need for

  • Marine Ecosystem
  • Overfishing
  • possible solutions
  • Videos
  • Images
  • samples of project presentations
  • tutorials about how to paint your watercolor salt technique sea life painting




Here are some sources to create a successful presentation with the use of Glogster

  • To access to a tutorial video about Glogster click HERE
  • Click HERE to go to the Glogster website to log in and create your digital poster


* For ideas and instructions on how to create a sea life painting by using watercolor salt technique, please refer to the videos provided above and the search engine.







Click HERE to access the Presentation Rubric

Click HERE to access the Glogster Rubric

Click HERE to access the Team Project Rubric


Student Work


1. Read and analyze the scenario and situation.
Check your understanding of the scenario. Don't be tempted to start thinking about potential solutions or to start looking for information. 


1. List your personal understanding, ideas or hunches.

Now that you are familiar with ecosystem you will write everything you know about overfishing. Describe your thoughts or ideas about how to solve the problem. There are not incorrect answers in this step, just feel free to brainstorm your ideas.


2. List what is known.

 With your team use all the information available in the scenario to list everything that you know about overfishing. You do not have to conduct any research yet. Just use the information given and write the facts that you already know about overfishing.

3. List what is unknown.

With your team, make a list about what you do not know and would like to learn. List all the questions you will need to answer to solve the problem.  


4. List what needs to be done.
"What should we do?" List actions to be taken, e.g., question an expert, conduct research, go to a board meeting about topic. List possible actions.


5. Develop a problem statement.

You will be responsible for thinking and choosing one of the questions to solve the problem.  A problem statement should come from your analysis of what you know. In one or two sentences, you should be able to describe what it is that your group is trying to solve, produce, respond to, or find out. The problem statement may have to be revised as new information is discovered and brought to bear on the situation.

6. Gather information

Use all the resources available (Internet, library, etc) to research about the problem/topic and find a solution.

7. Present Findings

You and your team will present your findings by using the web 2.0 tool "Glogster". As explained above, Glogster is an interactive multimedia digital poster in which you can add images, animation, links, videos etc to give a better picture of your possible solution to the problem. 


Also you will be presenting your Ocean- Watercolor Salt Technique painting which will be on exhibition Myra Green Middle School.  The purpose of the painting is to use 2 compounds of the sea life to let the ocean speak for itself.  The two elements are water and salt.


Watercolor Technique - Experiment

Sprinkle grains of table salt onto wet paint. Crystal shapes will form in the paint as the salt granules absorb the water. Brush undissolved salt from the surface of the paper after the paint has dried.

*for more information, ideas and tutorial on this, please use the customized search engine provided above.



(A)  Scientific investigations and reasoning.

(i)  To develop a rich knowledge of science and the natural world, students must become familiar with different modes of scientific inquiry, rules of evidence, ways of formulating questions, ways of proposing explanations, and the diverse ways scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on evidence derived from their work.

(ii)  Scientific investigations are conducted for different reasons. All investigations require a research question, careful observations, data gathering, and analysis of the data to identify the patterns that will explain the findings. Descriptive investigations are used to explore new phenomena such as conducting surveys of organisms or measuring the abiotic components in a given habitat. Descriptive statistics include frequency, range, mean, median, and mode. A hypothesis is not required in a descriptive investigation. On the other hand, when conditions can be controlled in order to focus on a single variable, experimental research design is used to determine causation. Students should experience both types of investigations and understand that different scientific research questions require different research designs.

(iii)  Scientific investigations are used to learn about the natural world. Students should understand that certain types of questions can be answered by investigations, and the methods, models, and conclusions built from these investigations change as new observations are made. Models of objects and events are tools for understanding the natural world and can show how systems work. Models have limitations and based on new discoveries are constantly being modified to more closely reflect the natural world.

(b)  Knowledge and skills.

(3)  Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student uses critical thinking, scientific reasoning, and problem solving to make informed decisions and knows the contributions of relevant scientists. The student is expected to:

(A)  in all fields of science, analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations by using empirical evidence, logical reasoning, and experimental and observational testing, including examining all sides of scientific evidence of those scientific explanations, so as to encourage critical thinking by the student;

(B)  use models to represent aspects of the natural world such as a model of Earth's layers;

(C)  identify advantages and limitations of models such as size, scale, properties, and materials; and

(D)  relate the impact of research on scientific thought and society, including the history of science and contributions of scientists as related to the content.



(1)  Perception. The student develops and organizes ideas from the environment. The student is expected to:

      (A)  illustrate themes from direct observation, personal experience

      (B)  analyze and form generalizations about the interdependence of the art elements such as color and     texture

(2)  Creative expression/performance. The student expresses ideas through original artworks, using a variety of media with appropriate skill.

      (C)  demonstrate technical skills effectively, using a variety of art media and materials to produce  sculptures and electronic media-generated art.


Copyright and resource Attributions


  • Caricature of man eating the skeleton fish: Image courtesy of overfishingforsolutions
  • Overfishing with net chart: Image courtesy of myseek.org
  • Out of Stock fish bar code: Image courtesy of newoverfishingbyjordansili.blogspot.com
  • Watercolor Painting of tropical fish: Image courtesy of tropical.fish.wc
  • Watercolor Painting of clown fish: Image courtesy of derekmccrea.50megs.com
  • Watercolor Painting of sword fish: Image courtesy of k4icy.com
  • Overfishing Prohibited sign: Image courtesy of Dara K. Cepeda


YouTube Videos


Glogster Multimedia Posters

  • Overfishing Glogsters: Courtesy of edu.glogster.com


Slideshare Presentation


Creative Commons License
Listen, the Ocean is Crying! by Dara K. Cepeda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://cepedadeportfolio.pbworks.com/w/page/55852720/PBL%205.

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