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Web tools

Page history last edited by Dara K. Cepeda 11 years, 3 months ago

excellent widget to embed to weebly to upload students work-will email it to me


List of TOP free website builders


animaljam.com - eduational National Geographic game


Study-Flash cards

Free Nutrition Label Maker

free site to customize stencils

for teachers-apps for IPADS

Scavenger Hunts-free to create

Create Comic Strips with your Avatar

Paint ONline!


Animated Clipart

more Animated ClipArt




Create Digital CountDowns

More ContDowns











for Art Teachers


Make and Record your music for FREE ONLINE




COMIC LIFE-Comic Life lets you create astounding comics, beautiful picture albums,






Create your AVATAR

Build Your Wild Self 
Voki - Talking Avatars 
More Avatar Makers 
Next Vista Summer Video Contest 
FREE ONLINE RESOURCES   SOURCE:  https://sites.google.com/site/nicoledalesiostechtrainings/home/free-online-resources-to-spark-creativity    
3D Snowflake Maker  Image Editing/Drawing  mesmerizing snowflake designer  http://www.zefrank.com/snowflake/  No  No     
Ahead  Multi-media/Mix  Interactive web layout; something like a web-page Prezi  http://ahead.com/#  Yes  No     
Animoto  Video/Presentation  beautiful slideshows for your photos or short video clips; library of music available for your use; free 30 second videos included, or free videos for teachers who apply; ability to download videos or share privately  http://animoto.com/  Yes  No  Living History   
Architect Studio 3D  Image Editing/Drawing  for the future architecht and designer  http://www.architectstudio3d.org/AS3d/home.html  No  Yes     
Art.com Art pad  Image Editing/Drawing  Simple digital drawing and painting that becomes animated when you are done.   http://artpad.art.com/artpad/painter/  Optional  No  "Be Creative!" (sample)   
Audio Boo  Audio  Free 3 minute recordings; Can easily share the link, or "embed" the audio player on your website or blog. Can also add a pic. and a geotag on a map. Other options include emailing the "boo" or phoning it in.   Audio Boo   Yes  No  Asim's Wii (Personal Narrative writing assignment turned into Audio  / 
AudioPal  Audio  http://www.audiopal.com/editor.html  AudioPal  Optional  No  Teacher Sample of assignment directions  / 
Aviary  Multi-media/Mix  Full suite of media making tools; more complex tool for older students  http://www.aviary.com/  No  No     
Aww: A web whiteboard  Image Editing/Drawing  Simple drawing tool; Like a web whiteboard  http://awwapp.com/  No  No     
Be Funky  Image Editing/Drawing  Easy, creative image editing tool for beautiful effects/digital art  http://www.befunky.com/  No  No  Be Funky samples in a Picasa web album   
BgPatterns  Image Editing/Drawing  a tiny web app for making background patterns in a few clicks. Fun, beautiful, and easy  http://www.bgpatterns.com/  No  No     
Big Huge Labs  Image Editing/Drawing  "Flickr Toys" - helping you do cool things with digital photos  http://bighugelabs.com/  No  No     
Blabberize  Video/Presentation  Make hilarious talking pictures that you can share easily, embed, or download as a quicktime movie. Great for teaching point of view, or character development  Blabberize  Yes  No  http://blabberize.com/view/id/254333  / 
Block Posters  Image Editing/Drawing  In 3 easy steps, you can upload your photo, blow it up larger than life, crop it into squares, and then download it as a .pdf which can be printed in 8.5x11sheets to make a giant mural.  http://www.blockposters.com/default.aspx  No  No     
Bomomo  Image Editing/Drawing  interesting digital drawing tools to make shapes and digital drawings; fun and easy  http://bomomo.com/  No  No     
Bookr  Writing  free tool for making photobooks with Flickr images; search Flickr for images within the application, add text, and publish  http://www.pimpampum.net/bookr/  Yes  Yes  Food Vocabulary Book: sample   
Build Your Wild Self  Image Editing/Drawing  wild avatar maker; fun and easy; great for K-5  http://buildyourwildself.com/  No  No     
Clevr  Image Editing/Drawing  Stitch together several photos into a panorama with hotspots; easy share/embed options  http://www.clevr.com/  Yes  No     
Closr.it  Image Editing/Drawing  Zoom and share your images. Place to upload and embed, etc.  http://www.closr.it/  No  No  http://www.closr.it/show/NBdgdcex4nv   
Collage Machine  Image Editing/Drawing  make easy collages with shapes and pictures that are provided  http://www.nga.gov/kids/zone/collagemachine.htm  No  Yes     
Color Scheme Designer  Image Editing/Drawing  a color wheel to help you match complementary colors for design  http://colorschemedesigner.com/  No  No     
Crayola Creative Fun  Image Editing/Drawing  draw, color, write books, a set of creative tools for kids  http://www.crayola.com/creative-fun/  No  No  http://www.crayola.com/play-zone/play.cfm?siteID=1&appID=2#/STORY  / 
Creative Kit - Picasa Web Albums  Image Editing/Drawing  Cloud-based photo-editing inside of Picasa Web Albums  https://picasaweb.google.com/home  Yes  No  Silhouette  Silhouette Tutorial using Creative Kit 
Dabble Board  Image Editing/Drawing  virtual white board that will help you visualize, explore and communicate and share ideas  http://dabbleboard.com  Yes  Yes     
Deviant Art Muro  Image Editing/Drawing  Create original drawings with multiple layers, backgrounds, filters, and brushes.  http://muro.deviantart.com/  No  No     
Digibody's Caricature Maker  Image Editing/Drawing  Avatar maker  http://www.whiteboardblog.co.uk/2011/09/1-avatar-generators-for-pupil-profile-pictures/  No  No  /  / 
DoInk  Multi-media/Mix  vector-based drawing and animation tool; favorite of the kids  http://www.doink.com/  Optional  No  "Bee Positive" Sample animation  / 
Doodle Too  Image Editing/Drawing  collaborative doodling if you don't mind the ads  http://www.doodletoo.com/#/lobby  No  No     
Draw a Stickman  Image Editing/Drawing  fun, interactive drawing/animation tool  http://www.drawastickman.com/  No  No     
Dreezle  Image Editing/Drawing  Online paint program. It’s very basic, but easy. Makes custom stamps too.  http://www.dreezle.com/  No  No     
Dumpr  Image Editing/Drawing  fun effects for photos  http://www.dumpr.net/  Optional  No     
Educreations  Video/Presentation  Recordable whiteboard for your whiteboard or iPad  http://www.educreations.com/  Yes  Optional     
Face Your Manga  Image Editing/Drawing  Avatar Maker  http://www.faceyourmanga.com/editmangatar.php  No  No  /  / 
Fakebook  Writing  Make a fake Facebook page for your favorite historical or literary character as a way to demonstrate learning.  Fakebook  Optional  No     
Flame Painter  Image Editing/Drawing  make beautiful, original digital fire paintings  http://flame.escapemotions.com/  No  Optional  Flame Painter samples in a Picasa web album   
Flickr Poet  Writing  is a quick way of turning a poem, sentence or chunk of random text into a sequence of Flickr photographs.  Flickr Poet  No  No  Sample Flickr Poem in Pictures   
Flixtime  Video/Presentation  similar to Animoto, but you get free 60-90 video slideshows; large library of music to choose from, can easily download videos, share privately, or embed  http://flixtime.com/  Yes  No  student sample: social studies "report"  / 
Fluid Painter  Image Editing/Drawing  beautiful digital painting with liquid strokes  Fluid Painter  No  No     
Fold a Story  Writing  collaborative digital storytelling; monitor for inappropriate samples on the site; great concept  http://foldingstory.com/  Yes  No     
Fotobabble  Audio  Add audio to any photo; easy to share/embed; also a free smartphone app.  http://www.fotobabble.com/  Yes  No  Fotobabble/Psykopaint Sample (by me)   
Fun Photo Box  Image Editing/Drawing  make funny pictures with your photos  http://funphotobox.com/tools.aspx  No  No     
Gickr  Image Editing/Drawing  make animated .gifs, or moving photos  http://gickr.com/  No  No  Sample Cinemagraph / Animated .gif   
Gimp  Image Editing/Drawing  free alternative to Photoshop  http://www.gimp.us.com/  No  Yes     
Glogster  Multi-media/Mix  interactive, multi-media poster with hotspots   http://edu.glogster.com/  Yes  No  What is Web 2.0 (sample Glogster by me)   
Google Presentation  Video/Presentation  All inside of your free gmail account, write using Google Docs., Make online presentations, upload any type of file, Create unlimited free websites, post pictures, videos, + Much More   /  Yes  Yes  "Free Online Tools to Spark Creativity" Google Presentation  / 
Google Sketch Up  Image Editing/Drawing  3D modeling for everyone; make 3D drawings or animations  http://sketchup.google.com/  No  Yes  One image made using Sketch Up  Tutorial of how to use SketchUp with K-5 kids + how to make animations 
Graffiti Playdo  Image Editing/Drawing  a wall (online) where you are actually allowed to spraypaint your graffiti/street art  http://graffiti.playdo.com/  Yes  Yes     
Harmony  Image Editing/Drawing  Make beautiful drawings and doodles; the screen is blank, just draw; easy and fun  http://mrdoob.com/projects/harmony/  No  No     
HeroMachine 2.5 Superhero Generator  Image Editing/Drawing  Avatar Maker  http://illustmaker.abi-station.com/index_en.shtml  No  No  /  / 
Image Mosaic Generator  Image Editing/Drawing  Make free mosaics with your photos  http://click7.org/image-mosaic-generator/?create  No  No     
Incredibox  Audio  "human-beat-box" music making app.  http://www.incredibox.fr/  No  No  My sample screencasted + sound flower installed   
iNudge  Audio  Now everyone can make music! Easy to make, and easy to share or embed.   http://inudge.net/  No  No  My quick sample   
Jackson Pollack  Image Editing/Drawing  Make beautiful paint splatters  http://jacksonpollock.org/  No  No     
Jaycut  Video/Presentation  online video editor; great features and ability to add voice overs  http://jaycut.com/  Yes  No     
JellyCam  Video/Presentation  stop-motion maker  http://www.jellycam.co.uk/  No  Yes     
Jing  Video/Presentation  Make pictures or "screencast" videos of your computer screen to make technical tutorials that are easy to share  http://www.techsmith.com/jing/free/  Yes  Yes     
Kaywa QR Code Generator  Multi-media/Mix  QR Code Generator/Reader  http://qrcode.kaywa.com/  No  No     
Kerpoof  Multi-media/Mix  draw, make a card, write books, animate, make movies, a whole creative suite for kids  http://www.kerpoof.com/  No  No     
Knovio  Video/Presentation  Add web cam video or audio to your PowerPoint Presentations  Knovio  Yes  No     
Little Bird Tales  Multi-media/Mix  digital storytelling tool; make virtual books with turning pages, text, pictures, and add audio voice overs within the app.  http://littlebirdtales.com/  Yes  No  Francisco's Life by Victor, Age 4  Demo. video 
Lunapic  Multi-media/Mix  Add fun effects or turn photos into animations; easy share  http://lunapic.com/editor/  No  No     
Magnetic Poetry  Writing  Use virtual magnetic words to create poetry. Take a screenshot to save w/out login, or log in to download.  Magnetic Poetry  No  No     
Magnetic Poetry - Kids Poetry Page  Writing  Virtual Magnetic Poetry for primary kids  Magnetic Poetry - Kids Poetry Page  Optional  No     
Mr. Picasso Head  Image Editing/Drawing  make fun, Picasso style avatars  http://www.picassohead.com/create.html  No  No     
Mug Tug Sketch Pad  Image Editing/Drawing  Online Drawing/Paint Program  http://mugtug.com/sketchpad/  No  No  /  / 
Mutapic  Image Editing/Drawing  online picture generator for creating original art  http://www.mutapic.com/  No  No     
My Brainshark  Video/Presentation  online video presentations: add voice to Power Point, Narrate a document, upload a video, make a photo album, produce a podcast; easy sharing; great for digital storytelling  http://my.brainshark.com/Home.aspx  Yes  No  My Brainshark - sample video   
My Fakewall  Writing  Make a "fake" Facebook profile page for a historical/political figure, literary character, etc.; A great way to synthesize student learning in a creative way.  http://www.myfakewall.com/  Yes  No  Ben Franklin   
My Oats  Image Editing/Drawing  beautiful digital drawing tool for cool designs and patterns  http://www.myoats.com/create.aspx  No  No     
Myths and Legends  Multi-media/Mix  Make your own interactive storybook using your own images or drawings, clipart, and add text, animations, and audio  http://myths.e2bn.org/index.php  Optional  No     
Neave Interactive  Multi-media/Mix  Digital Playground of interactive tools, toys, apps, and art  ttp://neave.com/imagination/  No  No     
OdoSketch  Image Editing/Drawing  absolutely beautiful digital drawing tool  http://sketch.odopod.com/  Optional  No     
One Million Monkeys Typing  Writing  collaborative storytelling  http://www.1000000monkeys.com/  Yes  No     
Photoshop.com  Image Editing/Drawing  Easy online photo editor  http://www.photoshop.com/  Optional  No     
Picnik  Image Editing/Drawing  digital drawing made fun and easy; nice effects, easy share; can also use photos already on the web  http://www.picnik.com/  Optional  No  Teacher and student Picnik samples in a Picasa web album  How to make silhouettes with Picnik - by me 
Pixton  Image Editing/Drawing  Make your own comic strips  http://www.pixton.com/  Yes  No     
Portrait Illustration Maker  Image Editing/Drawing  Avatar Maker  http://illustmaker.abi-station.com/index_en.shtml  No  No  /  / 
Powtoon  Video/Presentation  Make beautiful animated presentations  Powtoon  Yes  No     
Prezi  Video/Presentation  Like a fancy, zooming Power Point where you can also embed media. Consider using it to animate text, poetry, or other creative purposes.  http://prezi.com/  Yes  No    How to Make a Prezi - teacher sample and tutoria 
Psykopaint  Image Editing/Drawing  Beautiful digital painting made easy; supports and has many different brush styles to explore; This one is great!  http://www.psykopaint.com/  No  Optional  Psykopaint sample  / 
Quick Screenshare  Video/Presentation  Free easy screencasting (video of your computer screen)  http://quickscreenshare.com/  No  No     
Ransom Note Generator  Image Editing/Drawing  Make cut and paste mix and match letter notes easily.  Ransom Note Generator  No  No  Sample   
Reasonably Clever Avatars: Legos  Image Editing/Drawing  Avatar Maker  http://illustmaker.abi-station.com/index_en.shtml  No  No  /  / 
Reasonably Clever Blockheads  Image Editing/Drawing  Avatar Makers  http://www.reasonablyclever.com/mini-mizers/blockhead/  No  No  /  / 
Record Mp3  Audio  The easiest way to record and share audio: you can download file as an audio file, or share with a link.  http://www.recordmp3.org/  No  No  My sample   
Repper Patterns  Image Editing/Drawing  Make beautiful patterns using photos or designs; easy and fun  http://repperpatterns.com/  No  Optional  Repper Patterns Sample  / 
Schwup  Video/Presentation  make online photo albums or music video slideshows from your photos and short video clips with; share privately, or on Facebook, or with ability to download the video; simple to use  http://www.shwup.com/  Yes  No  My sample project using family pictures   
Screencast-o-Matic  Video/Presentation  Easy screencasting; Can send directly to YouTube or download to your computer  http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/screen_recorder  Optional  No     
Screenr  Video/Presentation  Twitter users can make free 5 minute screencasts (videos of your computer screen) that are easy to share on Twitter or YouTube or to download as Quicktime movie files to edit later. Consider using this tool for creative purposes.  http://screenr.com/  Yes  No  Student sample using Screenr and DoInk for digital storytelling   
Simple Diagrams  Image Editing/Drawing  application that allows you to make visual diagrams with clean line drawings that help you to better explain your ideas; drag and drop pictures also included; simple and pretty  http://www.simplediagrams.com/free.html  No  Yes     
Snow Days  Image Editing/Drawing  beautiful, easy "cut-out" snowflake maker; include messages, download your flake, part social  http://snowdays.popularfront.com/  Optional  No  Sample snowflakes from this site   
Soundation  Audio  Music making in the cloud; free instruments, beats, loops, etc. to mix and match. You can also record your own voice singing. You can download the song when done, or easily share the link or embed on your site or blog  Soundation  Optional  No  Sample song made   
Splashup  Image Editing/Drawing  Full image-editing program  http://www.splashup.com/  Yes  Yes  /  / 
Storybird  Writing  collaborative storytelling; Storybirds are short, art-inspired stories you make to share, read, and print. Read them like books, play them like games, and send them like greeting cards. They’re curiously fun.  http://storybird.com/  Yes  Yes  The Dreamweaver (featured sample)  Storybird Quick Tour 
StoryJumper  Writing  publish your own children’s book, print or share as a virtual book that can also be embedded. Use their clipart or your own images; add your own text   http://www.storyjumper.com/  Yes  No  Yes, but.. And so... teacher sample   / 
Sumo Paint  Image Editing/Drawing  next best thing to Photoshop; for photo editing and digital painting; also makes beautiful kaleidoscopes and 3D figures; supports layers  http://www.sumopaint.com/home/  Optional  Optional  SumoPaint samples in a short video  How to make kaleidoscopes 
Tagxedo  Multi-media/Mix  Mix writing and digital art with word clouds made in beautiful shapes; consider using poetry or writing samples to mix with this, or to add the image as a prompt for a report for various subjects  http://www.tagxedo.com/  No  Yes  Just one sample  Tips/screenshot tutorial on how to make a really cool Tagxedo with ideas on how to integrate into the curriculum 
The Scibbler - by LeFrank  Image Editing/Drawing  beautiful spiderweblike drawings that are created from your doodles; easy and fun  http://www.zefrank.com/scribbler/  No  No     
Thumba  Image Editing/Drawing  Online image editor  http://www.thumba.net/  No  Optional     
Tikatok  Writing  Bookmaking, free to share online, can use your own photos/drawings or use their clipart; more structured “story sparks” help younger writers get started (fill in the blanks) or less structure for older ones; easy sharing/embed options  http://www.tikatok.com/  Yes  No  student sample   
Toon Doo  Image Editing/Drawing  make your own comic strips  http://www.toondoo.com/  Yes  No     
TuxPaint  Image Editing/Drawing  free digital art software for children  http://www.tuxpaint.org/  No  Yes     
UJam  Audio  Now everyone can make music;UJAM is a cloud-based platform that empowers everybody to easily create new music or enhance their existing musical talent and share it with friends.  http://www.ujam.com/  Yes  No  Student sample made by a second grader  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyK2mmFvutk 
Virtual Eternity  Multi-media/Mix  moving avatar  https://www.virtualeternity.com/  Yes  No  /  / 
Vocaroo  Audio    http://vocaroo.com/  No  No  My sample, made in less than a minute   
Voice Thread  Multi-media/Mix  VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments in 5 ways - using voice (with a mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam). Share a VoiceThread with friends, students, and colleagues for them to record comments too. Users can doodle while commenting, use multiple identities, and pick which comments are shown through moderation. VoiceThreads can even be embedded to show and receive comments on other websites and exported to MP3 players or DVDs to play as archival movies.  http://voicethread.com/  Yes  No  My sample: a collaborative discussion around a quote and digital scrapbook page   
Voki  Multi-media/Mix  Talking avatars  Voki  No  No     
Vuvox  Multi-media/Mix  create interactive moving photo collages; add video, audio, text; can be embedded and shared easily  http://www.vuvox.com/  Yes  No  Vuvox sample: San Francisco Ferry Building   
WeeMee  Image Editing/Drawing  Avatar Maker  http://www.weeworld.com/  No  No  /  / 
We Video  Video/Presentation  Collaborative, online video editor  http://www.wevideo.com/  Yes  No     
Wordle  Writing  Beautiful word clouds - easy to use  http://www.wordle.net/  No  No  Sample wordle of names of favorite free resources   
Zooburst  Writing  digital storytelling tool that lets anyone easily create his or her own 3D pop-up books.  http://www.zooburst.com/  Yes  No  Erosion: Student Sample   


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